
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
4-H Youth Development Statewide Coordinator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator & Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Urban Program Development Coordinator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Instructor, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H STEM Specialist, Extension Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Associate Professor of Practice and Science Education Specialist, Extension Specialist
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Urban Program Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Evaluation and 4-H Program Operations, Extension Specialist
Program Areas:
Associate Dean and State 4-H Program Leader
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Asst 4-H, Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Professor of Practice: Science Literacy and Data Analytics, Extension Specialist
Program Areas:
Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Science & Technology Specialist, Extension Specialist
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Lead Educator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Assistant
Program Areas:


State 4-H Office
114 Ag Hall
Lincoln, Ne 68583-0700
Phone: 402-472-2805
Fax: 402-472-9024



Screenshot of the website Nebraska 4-H Entomology Manual

Nebraska 4-H Entomology Manual

Manual for the 4-H Entomology project in Nebraska
Entomology | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
Shared By: Wayne Ohnesorg
Screenshot of the website Nebraska 4-H Program

Nebraska 4-H Program

The Nebraska 4-H Youth Development program strives to empower youth to reach their full potential working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Nebraska 4-H | Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Shared By: Kimberly Cook
Screenshot of the website Data Driven: Statistics and Data Science Field Day

Data Driven: Statistics and Data Science Field Day

Teams of four high schoolers and one or two adult coaches are invited to join the Department of Statistics and Nebraska 4-H to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of data science, statistics, and numerical literacy. This full-day competition will feature interactive head-to-head competitions, providing a platform for teams to showcase their skills. Additionally, participants will have the valuable opportunity to interact with the University recruitment team and industry professionals.
Data Driven | Nebraska 4-H | Nebraska
Shared By: Kimberly Stanke
Screenshot of the website Tinker. Explore. Create.

Tinker. Explore. Create.

Youth Entrepreneurship Curriculum for youth grades 3-5
TEC Box | Entrepreneurship | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
Shared By: Jacie Milius
Screenshot of the website STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further

STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further

Advanced Clothing & Textiles Curriculum
STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further | Consumer and Family Sciences | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
Shared By: Jacie Milius
Screenshot of the website STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing

STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing

Intermediate Clothing & Textile Curriculum
STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing | Consumer and Family Sciences | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
Shared By: Jacie Milius
Screenshot of the website STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals

STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals

Beginning Clothing & Textile Curriculum
STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals | Consumer and Family Sciences | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
Shared By: Jacie Milius
Screenshot of the website Learning in the Heartland

Learning in the Heartland

Bring books to life with virtual field trips and activities. These short exciting field trips help inspire questions, problem-solving, and observation to help children remember concepts longer.
Learning in the Heartland | Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
Shared By: Lisa Poppe
Screenshot of the website Discover and Design

Discover and Design

Parents and caregivers will find many lessons that children can Discover and Design as a family or in a group setting. These one-page lessons have everything you need to introduce the activity, gather materials and view step-by-step instructions. We hope you enjoy working together with the young children in your life.
Discover and Design | Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
Shared By: Lisa Poppe
Screenshot of the website 4-H Horse Stampede

4-H Horse Stampede

The 4-H Horse Stampede, held annually on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus, provides 4-H members an opportunity to showcase and demonstrate their equine knowledge through a variety of 4-H horse contests that do not require live horses, including public speaking, demonstrations, quiz bowl, art and photography contests.
4-H Horse Stampede | Nebraska 4-H
Shared By: Lena Luck
Screenshot of the website 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships

4-H Shooting Sports National Championships

4-H Shootings Sports National Championships | Nebraska 4-H
Shared By: Steve Pritchard
Screenshot of the website NE 4-H Horse Advancement Levels

NE 4-H Horse Advancement Levels

The Horsemanship Advancement Levels program is designed to serve as a guide for instruction and evaluation of each 4-H member's progress. Each level has particular emphases to assist in developing 4-H member's self-discipline, patience, self-reliance, responsibility, and pride of accomplishment.
Horsemanship Advancement Levels | Nebraska 4-H
Shared By: Lena Luck
Screenshot of the website Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo

Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo

The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo is an opportunity for 4-H members to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of horses at a state-level competition. The expo is held annually and hosts the state horse show, hippology contest, and horse judging contest.
Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo | Nebraska 4-H
Shared By: Lena Luck

iCook 4-H Curriculum
Shared By: Lisa Franzen-Castle
Screenshot of the website NE 4-H Horse Program

NE 4-H Horse Program

The Nebraska 4-H horse programs offer life-changing opportunities for youth. Along with learning horsemanship and animal husbandry, 4-H members practice life skills, such as responsibility, self-discipline, personal safety, goal setting, and keeping records. The focus of the Nebraska 4-H horse programs is the total development of the young person. The horse shows and related equine activities and contests are utilized as a vehicle for human growth and development. The programs aim to develop con
Horse Program | Nebraska 4-H
Shared By: Lena Luck

Common Measures

The National 4-H Common Measures
Screenshot of the website WearTec 1

WearTec 1

This is Level 1 of the Wearable Technology curriculum series, in which youth solve real world problems and practice the engineering design process while immersed in the innovative area of wearable technologies.
WearTec 1 Circuitry - Leader's Guide | Shop 4-H
Screenshot of the website WearTec 3

WearTec 3

This curriculum teaches engineering design, computer programming, basic circuitry, and sewing.
WearTec 3 Programming - Leader's Guide | Shop 4-H
Screenshot of the website Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports

Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports

Shooting Sports Program | Nebraska 4-H
Shared By: Steve Pritchard
Screenshot of the website STEM Imagination Guides

STEM Imagination Guides

The Nebraska 4-H STEM Reading Connections Program | Early Childhood Development
Shared By: Jackie Steffen
Screenshot of the website NE Equine Webinar Series

NE Equine Webinar Series

The Equine Webinar Series is a great place for 4-H leaders and/or parents and senior aged youth to gain knowledge in many different areas. Each month will cover a different topic and have various experts in those areas. The webinars are hosted online using Zoom, a video conferencing service.
Equine Webinar Series | Nebraska 4-H
Shared By: Lena Luck

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