Search Results for '4-H'
We found 50 personnel, 1 office, 1 department, and 25 resources related to your search.
Related keywords: 4-H Council, STEM, 4-H Clover Kids Program, Youth Quality Care Assurance, 4-H Livestock Program, Ag Literacy, Agriculture Literacy, School Enrichment, Youth, Afterschool Programming
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development Statewide Coordinator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator & Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Urban Program Development Coordinator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Instructor, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
4-H Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
4-H STEM Specialist, Extension Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist
4-H Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Associate Professor of Practice and Science Education Specialist, Extension Specialist
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Urban Program Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Jill LingardPhD
Evaluation and 4-H Program Operations, Extension Specialist
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Asst 4-H, Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Professor of Practice: Science Literacy and Data Analytics, Extension Specialist
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Lead Educator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Assistant
Program Areas:
Phone: 402-472-2805
Fax: 402-472-9024
Fax: 402-472-9024
Nebraska 4-H Entomology Manual
Manual for the 4-H Entomology project in Nebraska
Entomology | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
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Wayne Ohnesorg
Nebraska 4-H Program
The Nebraska 4-H Youth Development program strives to empower youth to reach their full potential working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Nebraska 4-H | Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
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Kimberly Cook
Data Driven: Statistics and Data Science Field Day
Teams of four high schoolers and one or two adult coaches are invited to join the Department of Statistics and Nebraska 4-H to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of data science, statistics, and numerical literacy. This full-day competition will feature interactive head-to-head competitions, providing a platform for teams to showcase their skills. Additionally, participants will have the valuable opportunity to interact with the University recruitment team and industry professionals.
Data Driven | Nebraska 4-H | Nebraska
Shared By:
Kimberly Stanke
Tinker. Explore. Create.
Youth Entrepreneurship Curriculum for youth grades 3-5
TEC Box | Entrepreneurship | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
Shared By:
Jacie Milius
STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further
Advanced Clothing & Textiles Curriculum
STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further | Consumer and Family Sciences | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
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Jacie Milius
STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing
Intermediate Clothing & Textile Curriculum
STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing | Consumer and Family Sciences | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
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Jacie Milius
STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals
Beginning Clothing & Textile Curriculum
STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals | Consumer and Family Sciences | Curriculum | 4-H Youth Development | UNL Marketplace
Shared By:
Jacie Milius
Learning in the Heartland
Bring books to life with virtual field trips and activities. These short exciting field trips help inspire questions, problem-solving, and observation to help children remember concepts longer.
Learning in the Heartland | Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
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Lisa Poppe
Discover and Design
Parents and caregivers will find many lessons that children can Discover and Design as a family or in a group setting. These one-page lessons have everything you need to introduce the activity, gather materials and view step-by-step instructions. We hope you enjoy working together with the young children in your life.
Discover and Design | Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
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Lisa Poppe
4-H Horse Stampede
The 4-H Horse Stampede, held annually on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus, provides 4-H members an opportunity to showcase and demonstrate their equine knowledge through a variety of 4-H horse contests that do not require live horses, including public speaking, demonstrations, quiz bowl, art and photography contests.
4-H Horse Stampede | Nebraska 4-H
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Lena Luck
4-H Judges Resources
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Jill Goedeken
4-H Shooting Sports National Championships
4-H Shootings Sports National Championships | Nebraska 4-H
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Steve Pritchard
4-H Volunteer Resources
Shared By:
Jill Goedeken
NE 4-H Horse Advancement Levels
The Horsemanship Advancement Levels program is designed to serve as a guide for instruction and evaluation of each 4-H member's progress. Each level has particular emphases to assist in developing 4-H member's self-discipline, patience, self-reliance, responsibility, and pride of accomplishment.
Horsemanship Advancement Levels | Nebraska 4-H
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Lena Luck
Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo is an opportunity for 4-H members to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of horses at a state-level competition. The expo is held annually and hosts the state horse show, hippology contest, and horse judging contest.
Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo | Nebraska 4-H
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Lena Luck
iCook 4-H Curriculum
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Lisa Franzen-Castle
NE 4-H Horse Program
The Nebraska 4-H horse programs offer life-changing opportunities for youth. Along with learning horsemanship and animal husbandry, 4-H members practice life skills, such as responsibility, self-discipline, personal safety, goal setting, and keeping records. The focus of the Nebraska 4-H horse programs is the total development of the young person. The horse shows and related equine activities and contests are utilized as a vehicle for human growth and development. The programs aim to develop con
Horse Program | Nebraska 4-H
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Lena Luck
WearTec 1
This is Level 1 of the Wearable Technology curriculum series, in which youth solve real world problems and practice the engineering design process while immersed in the innovative area of wearable technologies.
WearTec 1 Circuitry - Leader's Guide | Shop 4-H
WearTec 3
This curriculum teaches engineering design, computer programming, basic circuitry, and sewing.
WearTec 3 Programming - Leader's Guide | Shop 4-H
STEM Imagination Guides
The Nebraska 4-H STEM Reading Connections Program | Early Childhood Development
Shared By:
Jackie Steffen
NE Equine Webinar Series
The Equine Webinar Series is a great place for 4-H leaders and/or parents and senior aged youth to gain knowledge in many different areas. Each month will cover a different topic and have various experts in those areas. The webinars are hosted online using Zoom, a video conferencing service.
Equine Webinar Series | Nebraska 4-H
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Lena Luck