
Software Development Spec, Managerial-Professional

Shawn KaskieMA, PCED, BR&E

Rural Prosperity Nebraska, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Early Childhood Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Early Childhood Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Early Childhood Education Specialist, Extension Specialist
Program Areas:
Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist
Program Areas:
Early Childhood Assistant Extension Educator, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Associate Dean and Associate Director
4-H Youth Development Statewide Coordinator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Rural Prosperity Nebraska Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Associate Professor of Practice and Science Education Specialist, Extension Specialist
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Professional Development Coordinator, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Youth Development Specialist, Extension Specialist
Program Areas:
Urban Program Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Lead Educator
Program Areas:
Faculty and Staff Development Coordinator, Managerial-Professional



Screenshot of the website Mapping Services

Mapping Services

Nebraska Mapping Services | Nebraska
Shared By: Nic Colgrove
Screenshot of the website Co-parenting for Successful Kids [CPSK]

Co-parenting for Successful Kids [CPSK]

Website for CPSK
State of Nebraska Coparenting Provider | Court Approved Class |Nebraska Extension
Shared By: Linda Reddish
Screenshot of the website One Hour Once Month Webinars

One Hour Once Month Webinars

Don’t want to travel? Pull up a comfortable chair and join us on the web! These web-based sessions are for Early Childhood Professionals. The webinars are offered once a month from October to March. Watch live or a recording up to a week after the live session. These webinars are accepted in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and South Dakota.
One Hour, Once a Month Webinars | Fit and Healthy Kids
Shared By: LaDonna Werth
Screenshot of the website Fit and Healthy Kids

Fit and Healthy Kids

Fit and Healthy Kids is a team of Early Childhood experts from across the United States who offer online training opportunities. The programs feature diverse experts sharing evidence-based practices, resources, ideas, and the latest in research.
Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
Shared By: Lisa Poppe
Screenshot of the website Marketing Tools for Early Childhood

Marketing Tools for Early Childhood

The Fit and Healthy Kids team has developed several FREE marketing tools that you can use on your business's social media accounts. Please share these early childhood messages with your families and colleagues and help us to support positive learning experiences for all children.
FREE Marketing Tools | Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
Shared By: Lisa Poppe
Screenshot of the website Materials for You - Early Childhood

Materials for You - Early Childhood

The Fit and Healthy Kids team is committed to providing childcare professionals, teachers and families with resources that can benefit their business, their children and their families. It is our goal to bring you materials that can support you and your families.
Materials for YOU | Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
Shared By: Lisa Poppe
Screenshot of the website Family Engagement - Early Childhood

Family Engagement - Early Childhood

Family engagement happens in the home, early childhood settings, school, and the community and is a shared responsibility of all. It provides meaningful and effective strategies that impact a child's learning and achievement.
Family Engagement | Fit and Healthy Kids | Nebraska
Shared By: Lisa Poppe
Screenshot of the website A Phenomenological Study of Millennial Generation Cooperative Extension Educators' Development of Core Competencies

A Phenomenological Study of Millennial Generation Cooperative Extension Educators' Development of Core Competencies

The purpose of this qualitative research study was to describe the experiences that contribute to the development of core competencies among Millennial Generation, county-based Extension educators in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Division. Fourteen educators were randomly purposefully selected to participate in the study. Participants were born in 1977 or later as determined by Tapscott (2009). Educators’ tenure in Cooperative Extension ranged from two months to seven years. Three
Shared By: Dave Varner


Click2SciencePD offers STEM professional development resources for out-of-school time programs.
Shared By: Saundra Frerichs
Screenshot of the website Nebraska 4-H Youth Development

Nebraska 4-H Youth Development

Nebraska 4-H reaches 1 in 3 age eligible youth in our state. 4-H empower young people with the skills to lead for life.
Nebraska 4-H | Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Shared By: Saundra Frerichs
Screenshot of the website Rural Rendezvous Recordings

Rural Rendezvous Recordings

Recordings of monthly webinars held on a variety of community development topics.
UNL | MediaHub | Rural Rendezvous
Shared By: Jamie Bright

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