Linda Tempel Portrait

Linda Tempel

Faculty and Staff Development Coordinator
Office: 402-472-3967

I have been with Nebraska Extension since 1990 as the faculty and staff development coordinator. I coordinate the scheduling, registration, and facilitation of new faculty and staff orientation, Trust Edge Training, 7 Habits, Navigating Differences Training, Coaching, and Annual Conferences along with the Nebraska Association of County Extension Boards (NACEB) Annual Legislative Day and Meeting. I also coordinate local, state, and federal reporting; annual faculty evaluations and peer review committees; county interlocal agreements, constitutions and bylaws; Nebraska Extension website and social media; and the IANR, Nebraska Extension, and statewide event calendars and listservs. If you have a question and don’t know who to ask, just contact me and I’ll get you in touch with the right Extension professional.


Subject Matter Keywords

Nebraska Extension Publications


Published {{pub.document_year}}

Education and Academics

Linda's Curriculum Vitae