Search Results for 'strategic planning'

We found 6 personnel, and 2 resources related to your search.

Related keywords: Leadership, Community Development, Engagement, Quality Of Life, Collaborative Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Visioning, Team Building, Community Assessment, Place Making


Ben DuttonMBA, M.Ed.

Rural Prosperity Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Rural Prosperity Nebraska Extension Educator
Program Areas:

Shawn KaskieMA, PCED, BR&E

Rural Prosperity Nebraska, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Rural Prosperity Nebraska, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Rural Prosperity Nebraska, Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Associate Dean and Associate Director


Guidebook for Successful Issue Teams

Guidebook for developing successful Nebraska Extension Issue Teams.
Screenshot of the website Nebraska Extension Technology 2020 Plan

Nebraska Extension Technology 2020 Plan

The Technology 2020 Plan sets the course for how the organization will, in future, identify, adopt and apply information technologies to complement its educational mission.

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