Search Results for 'drought'
We found 6 personnel, and 6 resources related to your search.
Related keywords: Drought Planning And Management, Drought, Hail, Cover Crops, Grazing, Forage Quality, Corn Residue, Flood, Forages, Pastures
Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Livestock Systems Extension Educator
Program Areas:
Extension Educator, Livestock Systems Program Area Leader
Program Areas:
Nebraska Drought Monitor
The data cutoff for Drought Monitor maps is each Tuesday at 8 a.m. EDT. The maps, which are based on analysis of the data, are released each Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time.
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Shared By:
Samantha Daniel
JenREESources Blog
Weekly news columns and area crop and horticultural updates are posted here.
Shared By:
Jennifer Brhel
Weather Ready Nebraska
Resources to help Nebraskans deal with climate variation and extreme weather events.
Weather Ready Nebraska | Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Disaster Education
This is Nebraska Extension's website focused on disaster education. The website features information for individual and families, homeowners, businesses and communities, and agriculture.
Disaster Education | Nebraska
Extension Disaster Education Network
This is the website for the Extension Disaster Education Network, a national Extension platform that features disaster education through coordination and communications, web development and maintenance, curriculum development, training, and resources development.
Central Sandhills Beef Educator on Instagram
Check out beef resources for cattle ranchers in North Central Nebraska and beyond. Usually posts daily M-F and often on weekends.
Shared By:
T. L. Meyer