
Horse Specialist, Extension Specialist
4-H Extension Associate
Program Areas:
Livestock Systems, Extension Educator
Program Areas:


Extension Horses INC

?"Extension Horses, Inc. will meet the educational and decision-making needs of the equine industry, allied industry partners, extension employees, and consumers by providing science-based information and learning opportunities through Internet-based initiatives." Who are we? Extension Horses, Inc. is a group of professionals from different Land Grant Universities around the country that collaborate to bring the public research-based information for educational use. We are a group of horse lover
Shared By: Kathleen Anderson


The national equine resource team known as eXtension Horses began collaborative work to harness the Cooperative Extension System’s best information to provide traditional and expanding clientele a source of reliable and up-to-date horse information on equine science and management. Who Are These Experts? This group of horse experts includes over 50 (and still growing) extension horse specialists from around the country including teaching and research faculty, veterinarians, and professional
Shared By: Kathleen Anderson

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