Leslie Johnson Portrait

Leslie Johnson

Extension Educator – Animal Manure Management
Office: 402-584-3818

I am the Animal Manure Management Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska. My role includes facilitating article development for manure.unl.edu. I manage the online manure course and annual manure trainings across the state of Nebraska, as well as other manure programming in the state. I also serve as the webinar coordinator for the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (https://lpelc.org) and serve on the Soil Health Nexus regional workgroup (https://soilhealthnexus.org).


Phone: 402-584-3818
Fax: 402-584-3859

Subject Matter Keywords

Leslie's Resources


Recycling local manure nutrients before purchasing fertilizer is key to protecting the environment. Manure can be an economic “Win”, due to its fertility value, and a soil quality “Win”, due to its organic matter. But it can also be a community risk, due to odors and pathogens. Our live educational programs, online courses, and resources provide science-based information on economically viable, environmentally sound manure handling systems that also comply with all regulations.
Shared By: Leslie Johnson

Nebraska Extension Publications


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Education and Academics

Leslie's Curriculum Vitae