Kelly Feehan Portrait

Kelly Feehan

Nebraska Extension Educator for sustainable community green space with a focus on trees, water and pollinator-wise landscapes, residential rain gardens, weather-ready landscapes and plant/nature connections for youth.



Subject Matter Keywords

Kelly's Resources

Screenshot of the website Horticulture, Landscape and Environmental Systems

Horticulture, Landscape and Environmental Systems

Website with timely horticulture information for Nebraska from UNL.
Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems | Nebraska
Shared By: Kelly Feehan
Screenshot of the website Backyard Farmer

Backyard Farmer

Backyard Farmer website with timely horticulture information and recorded weekly television program.
Backyard Farmer | Nebraska
Shared By: Kelly Feehan
Screenshot of the website Water Dogs for Landscape Water Conservation

Water Dogs for Landscape Water Conservation

Website with landscape water conservation fact sheets and virtual learning recorded zooms.
Water Dogs | Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems | Nebraska
Shared By: Kelly Feehan
Screenshot of the website Gro Big Red

Gro Big Red

Website with garden and landscape virtual learning opportunities for Nebraska gardeners.
GRO Big Red Virtual Learning | Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems | Nebraska
Shared By: Kelly Feehan
Screenshot of the website Pro-Hort Education

Pro-Hort Education

Website with eductional opportunities information for professional horticulturists.
ProHort Update Newsletter | Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems | Nebraska
Shared By: Kelly Feehan
Screenshot of the website Tree, Garden and Landscape Timely Newspaper Articles

Tree, Garden and Landscape Timely Newspaper Articles

Landscape and Garden Articles | Nebraska Extension in Platte County | Nebraska Extension | Nebraska
Shared By: Kelly Feehan
Screenshot of the website Weather Ready Landscapes

Weather Ready Landscapes

Fact Sheets on helping landscapes be weather ready from windstorms to hail to drought.
Weather Ready Landscapes | Weather Ready Nebraska | Nebraska
Shared By: Kelly Feehan

Nebraska Extension Publications


Published {{pub.document_year}}

Education and Academics

Kelly's Curriculum Vitae