Hannah Guenther Portrait

Hannah GuentherMS, CPH

Extension Educator - Food, Nutrition, and Health

Hannah is a Food, Nutrition, and Health Extension Educator serving Northeast Nebraska. Prior to this position, she was a Family Consumer Science Educator for 7-12th grade. She loved my time in the classroom but has really found her passion in teaching youth and adults about nutrition, whole body wellness, and culinary education. Her primary focus with her Extension work revolves around serving rural families with tailored programming efforts to reduce the risk of chronic disease prevention. Key programs that she teaches and leads include Food in the Field, Sleepless in Nebraska, and Healthy Food Fast Using Your Multi-Cooker.

Hannah received her BS in Dietetics from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and her MS degree in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Nebraska – Kearney. Most recently she completed a Public Health Essentials Program through Cornell University and is in the process of receiving her MPH from Berkeley.



Subject Matter Keywords

Nebraska Extension Publications


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Education and Academics

Hannah's Curriculum Vitae