Glennis McClure Portrait

Glennis McClure

Extension Educator, Farm and Ranch Management Analyst

Glennis is an Extension Educator and serves as the Farm and Ranch Management Analyst for the Agricultural Economics department on campus with statewide responsibilities. She leads efforts to produce and teach about the Nebraska Custom Rates Report and Nebraska Crop and Livestock Budgets as a member of the Center for Agricultural Profitability. After focusing much of her career in assisting farmers and small business owners with their business planning, finances, and management, Glennis came back to the University in 2017. Early in her career and while on staff with the Nebraska Farm Business Association (a UNL Extension program then), Glennis was a member of the committee that launched the first Women in Ag Conference in Nebraska. In addition to her off-farm career, Glennis is a managing partner on a diversified crop and poultry farm in southeast Nebraska and understands the many challenges and rewards of production agriculture.


Phone: 402-472-0661

Subject Matter Keywords

Glennis' Resources

Screenshot of the website Nebraska Custom Rates Report

Nebraska Custom Rates Report

The Nebraska Custom Rates survey is conducted every other year.
Nebraska Custom Rates | Center for Agricultural Profitability | Nebraska
Shared By: Glennis McClure
Screenshot of the website Nebraska Crop Budgets

Nebraska Crop Budgets

Nebraska Crop Budgets | CropWatch
Shared By: Glennis McClure
Screenshot of the website Nebraska Beef /Livestock Budgets

Nebraska Beef /Livestock Budgets

Livestock | Center for Agricultural Profitability
Shared By: Glennis McClure
Screenshot of the website Agricultural Budget Calculator

Agricultural Budget Calculator

The Agricultural Budget Calculator (ABC) program is designed to assist agricultural producers in determining their cost of production and projected cash and economic returns for their various farm or ranch enterprises. See the CAP website, ABC page for more information. The direct program link is:
Agricultural Budget Calculator Program | Center for Agricultural Profitability | Nebraska
Shared By: Glennis McClure

Nebraska Extension Publications


Published {{pub.document_year}}

Education and Academics

Glennis' Curriculum Vitae