Talon Mues Portrait

Talon MuesCrops & Water Extension Instructor

WICS Extension Instructor - Dawson, Buffalo, and Hall
Extension Educator
Office: 308-324-5501

Talon Mues is a Water & Integrated Croppings Systems (WICS) Extension Instructor for the counties of Dawson, Buffalo, and Hall. His main office is located in Lexington. Talon was raised in rural Nebraska in Washington County. He then attended UNL during his undergraduate majoring in Agronomy. The focus for his Master's research is integrated pest management with an emphasis on corn diseases and their relationship with irrigation.

Subject Matter Keywords

Talon's Resources

Screenshot of the website UNL CropWatch

UNL CropWatch

CropWatch | Nebraska
Shared By: Talon Mues
Screenshot of the website UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic | Plant Pathology | Nebraska
Shared By: Talon Mues
Screenshot of the website Nebraska Disaster Education

Nebraska Disaster Education

Nebraska EDEN | Disaster Education | Nebraska
Shared By: Talon Mues

Nebraska Extension Publications


Published {{pub.document_year}}

Education and Academics

Talon's Curriculum Vitae