Jentry Barrett Portrait

Jentry BarrettPh.D.

Engagement Zone Coordinator
Office: 402-472-8829

As the Campus Engagement Zone Coordinator, I use principles from community-based participatory research, adult learning theory, and communication science to help facilitate and spur impactful research and initiatives that can “lead to positive changes that are relevant, timely, useful, and embraced by those who are most impacted by those changes” (Hatton-Bowers, 2022). My role in Cooperative Extension allows me to make meaningful connections between community partners and the resources on UNL’s campus. My goal as the Campus Engagement Zone Coordinator is to help increase the engagement of both on-campus researchers in the community, and help build trust with community partners through benevolence, competence, and reliability.


Subject Matter Keywords

Jentry's Resources

Nebraska Extension Publications


Published {{pub.document_year}}

Education and Academics

Jentry's Curriculum Vitae