Soni CochranMS
Disaster Education Coordinator
Extension Educator
Soni is the Nebraska Extension Disaster Education Coordinator and lead for the Nebraska Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) team. She is the point of contact for Nebraska Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD), Heartland EDEN, National EDEN, and ESF#11. Soni is engaged in suicide awareness and prevention as a Q-P-R instructor and is a member of the UNL Rural Family Stress and Wellness Collaborative Working Group. Soni is also working with teams engaged in Grand Challenge planning grants and grant submissions including "Weather-Ready-Farms" and "Serving At-Risk Communities in Disasters: Studying Planning and Response Measures Under the Lens of Equity".
Phone: 308-432-3373
Fax: 308-432-3374
Subject Matter Keywords
Soni's Resources
Nebraska Extension Disaster Education
On this site, you'll find information and resources to help you, your family, and community prepare for disaster events. You'll also find information to help you recover after a disaster. Our experts focus on children, families, agriculture, food and health, businesses, and communities. We're ready to help you find the answers you need.
Disaster Education | Nebraska
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Soni Cochran
Nebraska Extension Disaster Education on Facebook
Current updates and resources to help you prepare for and recovery from disasters. Supporting the resilience of all Nebraskans.
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Soni Cochran
Rural Wellness
The Rural Family Stress and Wellness Team promotes the health and wellness of all Nebraskans. Along with the University of Nebraska, this diverse team of community partners meets regularly to share resources and programs that also focus on the unique needs of rural residents and all Nebraskans.
Rural Wellness | Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
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Soni Cochran
Nebraska AgrAbility
Nebraska AgrAbility is a partnership of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and Easterseals Nebraska. Since 1995 Nebraska AgrAbility has helped individuals with disabilities overcome barriers to continue in their chosen agricultural profession.
Nebraska AgrAbility | Nebraska
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Soni Cochran