Amy Timmerman Portrait

Amy Timmerman

Extension Educator, Crops and Water, Unit Leader

Amy Timmerman is a cropping system educator based in Holt-Boyd County, specializing in integrated pest management (IPM) with a focus on plant disease. With a deep understanding of agricultural systems, Amy works to help local farmers adopt sustainable practices that protect crops while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

A key area of her work involves collaboration with the Bazile Groundwater Management Area, where she addresses critical water quality issues, particularly the presence of nitrates in groundwater. Amy's commitment to improving water quality ties directly into her broader efforts to promote sustainable agricultural practices.

In addition to her hands-on work with farmers, Amy leads yearly educational programs that support both private and commercial pesticide applicators, chemigation practices, and nitrogen certification training in partnership with local Natural Resource Districts (NRDs). Her programs aim to ensure that farming practices align with both regulatory standards and environmental stewardship goals, helping farmers improve productivity while safeguarding water resources.



Amy's Resources

Screenshot of the website Backyard Farmer

Backyard Farmer

Backyard Farmer | Nebraska
Shared By: Amy Timmerman

N Field Observations

NE Extension | UNL professionals share their field observations in brief segments, highlighting specific topics and issues occurring in agriculture.
Shared By: Amy Timmerman
Screenshot of the website Holt-Boyd County Crops and Water

Holt-Boyd County Crops and Water

Local events and activities regarding crops and water in Amy's accountability region.
Crops & Water | Nebraska Extension in Holt & Boyd Counties | Nebraska Extension | Nebraska
Shared By: Amy Timmerman
Screenshot of the website CropWatch


CropWatch | Nebraska
Shared By: Amy Timmerman

Nebraska Extension Publications


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Education and Academics

Amy's Curriculum Vitae