Water, Climate and Environment - Community - Energy Efficient Bldgs & Landscapes

Name Title E-mail
F. John Hay Extension Educator - Energy jhay2@unl.edu
Kyle Koch Insect Diagnostician kkoch4@unl.edu
Kaitlin Chapman Urban Entomologist kchapman13@unl.edu
Dana Freeman Urban Agriculture & Local Food Systems Extension Instructor dana.freeman@unl.edu
Emily Stine Horticulture, Landscape and Environmental Systems Extension Educator estine2@unl.edu
Carol Waters Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Production Extension Educator cwaters3@unl.edu
Rita Brhel Horticulture, Landscape and Environmental Systems Assistant rbrhel3@unl.edu
Julia Cambridge Extension Asst Horticulture jcambridge2@unl.edu