Scott Evans Portrait

Scott EvansMAg

Horticulture Program Coordinator
Extension Associate
Office: 402-444-7804

My area of focus is with volunteer management co-leading over 300 Extension Master Gardener Volunteers. I am a co-founder of the Nebraska Pollinator Habitat Certification. I serve on the Bellevue Tree Board and UNL Staff Senate representing District 6. I am a tree risk assessment qualified certified arborist through the International Society of Arboriculture.

Due to my hearing loss, I am unable to talk on the telephone but you are welcome to email me your questions.



Subject Matter Keywords

Scott's Resources

Screenshot of the website Extension Resources

Extension Resources

Douglas-Sarpy HLES
Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems | Nebraska Extension
Shared By: Scott Evans
Screenshot of the website Digitial Diagnostic Network

Digitial Diagnostic Network

Submit pictures and questions for answering.
Digital Diagnostic Network | Nebraska Extension | University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Shared By: Scott Evans

8015 Weather Station

Weather Station located at 8015 W. Center Road.
Shared By: Scott Evans

Nebraska Extension Publications


Published {{pub.document_year}}

Education and Academics

Scott's Curriculum Vitae