Carrie Gottschalk Portrait

Carrie GottschalkMS, LIMHP, CPC

In my current role as an Engagement Zone Coordinator, I focus on supporting Extension talent through supervision and coaching, and fostering engagement and relationships with and between clients, stakeholders and University staff and students. I have a particular interest in personal and workplace wellbeing. I serve on our internal Employee Wellness team, co-lead our Rural Family Stress and Wellness Team ( and am a member of IANR's Advisory Group for Inclusive Excellence. I am a certified Gallup Strengths Coach, Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator, and trainer in Emotional Intelligence and Reflective Practice.


Phone: 402-643-2981
Fax: 402-643-0341

Subject Matter Keywords

Nebraska Extension Publications


Published {{pub.document_year}}

Education and Academics

Carrie's Curriculum Vitae